News You Can Use

[From the October 1997 Stepping Stones News]

ICARE (the International Cancer Alliance) is an information program for cancer patients, survivors, and their friends and family members. It is committed to providing the most complete information available about cancer therapy options, both standard and experimental (clinical trials), as well as creating an awareness of promising new research. This information is FREE and is available to you by calling 1-800-ICARE-61; or by contacting ICARE through the internet address:

If you take the simple steps involved in registering with ICARE, you will receive current cancer therapy reviews; a quarterly cancer breakthrough report about the latest developments in cancer research, detection and treatments; and cancer treatment update bulletins in cases where news is especially urgent.

ICARE is a cutting edge support vehicle for cancer survivorship. Join now!

In case you're wondering about Phyllis Truesdell's whereabouts, she is currently working at the Wellness Community of Greater Boston in Newton, Massachusetts. She sends her love and best wishes to all.....For further info about the great programs for cancer survivors and their family members offered at the Community, call 617-332-1919 and ask to be put on the mailing list. Once there, don't be surprised if you bump into Phyllis!

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