Frequently Asked Questions

Read below for answers to questions about:

How do I join Stepping Stones?
It's easy. Just call 617/732-3301 to let one of our coordinators know you want to attend a meeting.

How much does it cost?
There is absolutely no fee to belong to Stepping Stones.

Do I have to go to the meetings?
Attendance is optional. You can elect to receive the newsletter alone, if you wish. A group roster is available if you need or want to talk to another member.

Can anybody come to Stepping Stones?
All bone marrow transplant survivors are welcome to attend. You should be at least 6 months out of transplant so as not to jeopardize your health.

Can my spouse come to the meetings?
Significant others and other support persons (such as a sibling, parent, or close friend) are always welcome at Stepping Stones. It's their group, too.

Monthly Meetings

What happens at the meetings?
Announcements of a general nature are made at the start of the meeting. Then, everyone introduces themselves, usually describing the type of transplant they received, when, and what for. If there is anything else you'd like to bring up for discussion, it can be brought up at this time, with in-depth discussion following after the introductions. Significant others and support persons close to survivors are encouraged to participate because Stepping Stones is also for those closest to us who are affected by the causes and results of bone marrow transplants.

I live too far away. Is there a meeting in my area?
Currently the Boston meeting is the only one. Many travel from all over New England once or twice a year just to attend. However, we are still available to BMT survivors for information, referrals, and remote-accessible resources such as this web site.

Are there special events?
Yes! We occasionally invite guests to our meeting. We also have an anniversary party in October, usually a potluck meal followed by the regular meeting.

When and where are the meetings held?
Stepping Stones meets on the first Wednesday of every month, on the 16th floor of Dana-Farber in the Smith Family Room. Light refreshments are served. Meetings start at 7:00 PM and go to 8:30. Special events or conflicts with holidays may cause changes in meeting dates or places. Please check the main page of this web site for regular updates, or call one of the group coordinators.


Does it matter what kind of BMT I had?
No. We're interested in learning more about all kinds of BMTs, no matter what kind what the treatment was for.

Can I find people who have had the same disease or treatment that I had?
In all likelihood, yes. Many treatments have other common aspects that you will share with others in the group.

What if I relapse?
We'll be there for you, if you want. Remember, there's no obligation to attend monthly meetings. You should never feel pressured to attend.

This Site

Does this site belong to Dana-Farber?
Yes and no. Dana-Farber has graciously agreed to host the site on its servers, while content and site administration are the responsibility of volunteers from within the group.

Can I use the resources on this site if I'm not a member of Stepping Stones?
Please! All we ask is that you give credit to any content borrowed from this site. And please let us know where we're being talked about. Don't be shy -- send us an email and let us know you're out there.

Who do I contact if I have a suggestion for the site?
You can use the email button on any page, or contact one of the group coordinators.

Becoming more involved

Does Stepping Stones need volunteers for anything?
If you have an idea, please speak up! Otherwise, we're always looking for news and other content for the newsletter and this web site.

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