Stepping Stones in October 1997
Stepping Stones in October, 1997

Who are we?

Stepping Stones is a monthly support group for adults who have undergone bone marrow transplants and are re-integrating into family, work, and social roles. Members have an opportunity to:

History of Stepping Stones

In 1990, Christine Raimondi Wentworth and Kristine Stoughton, both survivors of bone marrow transplants, met and discussed post-transplant issues. They found they had much in common, and realized the value of being able to share their experiences. Both were surprised to discover that no support group existed for those who had undergone BMTs, and so they challenged Dana-Farber to sponsor Stepping Stones.

Two volunteers stepped forward to pick up the gauntlet: Mary McCauley, a BMT research nurse; and Phyllis Truesdell, a clinical social worker. The four women worked together to establish the group and in October of 1990 the first meeting was held.

Mary McCauley and Christine Wentworth
Mary McCauley and Christine Wentworth
From the handful of attendees at that first meeting, Stepping Stones has grown to become the oldest and most successful BMT support group in the nation. With a membership roster of over 50 members and an average monthly attendance of 30 members, Stepping Stones has otherwise changed very little in seven years.

The group has taken on a life of its own: an anniversary celebration is held every October. Members have volunteered their efforts for outreach, a periodic newsletter, and even a recipe book. Stepping Stones maintained a booth at Dana-Farber's 50th anniversary event in 1997. And the group just grows stronger each year.

The vision behind Stepping Stones is still very much alive in the monthly meetings, with members helping each other in and outside of the monthly meetings. It's all about people helping people -- whether in the form of shared experiences, amusing anecdotes, or swapping stories. Please join us and become a part of our support community.

For information call:

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Department of Social Work
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA 02115

Stepping Stones is sponsored by Dana-Farber and administered by Mary McCauley and Irene Goss-Warner.

To learn more about what we do, read our Frequently Asked Questions.

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