A Message From the Co-Facilitators

Marking Our Seventh Year

[From the October 1997 Stepping Stones News]

As we celebrate Stepping Stones' Seventh Anniversary, I have to pause and think about how interesting and appropriate it is that we tend to measure cycles of growth in seven year terms....

Here at the Dana-Farber, we are entering a new and exciting growth cycle. We are beginning a period where we are formally acknowledging the use of complementary therapies by our patients and survivors. Officially, there is now a functioning committee made up of staff doctors, nurses, social workers and survivors dedicated to the study of this use of non-traditional therapies. As a result, discussions will be ongoing about which complimentary approaches are most effective and might be offered on-sight as an adjunct to the cutting-edge conventional therapies and trials available to our patients and survivors at the Institute. And thanks to Stepping Stones' member, Lenny Zakim, there are also concrete plans for a video which will introduce this subject to newly diagnosed patients for empowerment purposes.

Seven years ago, when we began our monthly Stepping Stones' meetings, I did not envision that all of these exciting things would be in the works. Although I've always believed in the mind-body connection, I never imagined it would be officially recognized by the Institute's scientific and medical community in such an important way. And I have no doubt that this recognition would not have occurred without the persistent efforts of Stepping Stones' members. What a fantastic accomplishment!

Today, I pause and wonder.... We are at the beginning of a new seven year adventure. What exciting discoveries and changes will the next seven years bring to both the Dana-Farber and Stepping Stones?

Happy Seventh Anniversary to us all! -- Mary McCauley

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