Members of Stepping Stones Use Complementary Medicines

[From the October 1997 Stepping Stones News]

This past year, twenty-one members of Stepping Stones responded to an informal survey about complimentary medicines. The idea for the survey was developed during a monthly meeting in which members expressed a desire to compile a tangible list of resources that might be of help to other bone marrow transplant survivors and their family members.

The following are the results of the survey:

Why do the members of Stepping Stones, together with a growing number of cancer survivors across the country, embrace alternative therapies as complementary care? According to the participants in the survey, empowerment is the number one reason. "Since my transplant," wrote one member, "I like to feel that I am actively doing something to strengthen my immune system. When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I had a mental image of a group of wild, unruly, uncontrollable cells which were reeking havoc on my body. Today, after my transplant, and through the use of various complimentary therapies, I feel like I have regained control."

"Feeling strong and in control is what my survival is all about," wrote another member who is on a constant search for various methods to bolster her immune system. "I'm always reading to learn....I listen to tapes on healing whenever possible. And I love sharing information on what other BMT survivors do at Stepping Stones' meetings. Stepping Stones is terrific for my immune system!"

In response to the survey question about which methods have been most helpful in the healing process, one member wrote "All were useful as elements in my 'kit'. Meditation and visualization were most helpful in coping with the procedures and discomfort. Therapy has been most helpful in long term management of stress, fear and PTSD. Nutrition and exercise continue to be important as immune boosters."

And many who responded to the survey expressed thoughts similar to this particular survivor who wrote, "I just can't single any one (method) out. It seems that each method was supportive for a specific need at a specific time. For example, prayer feeds and heals my soul, therapy my mind, herbs and acupuncture my chemical body....And each of these supports the other...."

If you would like a copy of the resources mentioned by the Stepping Stones' members who took this survey, or a copy of the survey itself, please write this newsletter. Include a self addressed, stamped envelope.

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